Code Examples
Contents of this page:
- Please ignore
- Example #1
- Example #2
- Example #3
- Example #4
- Example #5
- Example #6
- Example #7
- Example #8
- Example #9
Please ignore
If you happen to just stumble across this page, it won’t make any sense. I was just after a quick location for some formatted code snippets, which are examples of various things I’m not even going to bother to try and explain here.
Example #1
const firstIndex = Math.ceil(str.length / 2 - 1);
const secondIndex = str.length / 2;
if (str.length % 2 === 0) {
return str.slice(firstIndex, secondIndex + 1);
} else {
return str.slice(firstIndex, firstIndex + 1);
Example #2
const withdraw = amount => {
let hundreds = 0;
let fifties = 0;
let twenties = 0;
let remainder = 0;
// deals with cases where the remainder after dividing by 100 is 10 or 30 i.e not divisible by 50 and 20 denominations
if (amount % 100 === 30 || amount % 100 === 10) {
hundreds = Math.floor(amount / 100 - 1);
remainder = amount - hundreds * 100;
fifties = Math.floor(remainder / 50 - 1);
remainder = remainder - fifties * 50;
twenties = remainder / 20;
} else {
// deals with cases where the remainder after dividing by 100 is divisible by 50 and 20 denominations
hundreds = Math.floor(amount / 100);
remainder = amount % 100;
if ((remainder % 50) % 20 === 0) {
fifties = Math.floor(remainder / 50);
twenties = (remainder % 50) / 20;
} else {
twenties = remainder / 20;
return [hundreds, fifties, twenties];
Example #3
def similar_license_plates(plate1: str, plate2: str) -> bool:
# put the similar characters into arrays so that they can be checked for the corresponding characters in the plates
ohs=["0", "O", "Q"]
ones=["1", "I", "T"]
twos=["2", "Z"]
eights=["8", "B"]
esses = ["5", "S"]
# first strip the strings of spaces by replacing space with ""
plate1=plate1.replace(" ","")
plate2=plate2.replace(" ","")
# get the length of the plates for the range calc later
plate1len = len(plate1)
plate2len = len(plate2)
# print(plate1, plate2) sanity check
# find the shortest plate length - should be the same but just in case they're not
# then if they are differing lengths after stripping for whitespace then False will be returned
if plate2len!=plate1len:
return False
for item in range(0, rangelen):
if plate1[item] == plate2[item]:
# print(plate1[item])
if plate1[item]!= plate2[item]:
if plate1[item] in ohs:
if plate2[item] in ohs:
# print("ohs")
return False
if plate1[item] in ones:
if plate2[item] in ones:
# print("ones")
return False
if plate1[item] in twos:
if plate2[item] in twos:
# print("twos")
return False
if plate1[item] in eights:
if plate2[item] in eights:
# print("eights")
return False
if plate1[item] in esses:
if plate2[item] in esses:
# print("esses")
return False
return False
return True
Example #4
const withdraw = amount => {
let hundreds = 0
let fifties = 0
let twenties = 0
while (amount >= 100) {
if (amount < 231 && amount % 20 !== 0){
amount -= 50
fifties +=1
amount -= 100
hundreds += 1
if (amount % 20 === 0){
twenties += amount / 20
amount = 0
while (amount >= 50) {
amount -= 50
fifties += 1
while (amount >= 20) {
amount -= 20
twenties += 1
return [hundreds, fifties, twenties]
Example #5
function removeSpaces(plate){
cleanedPlate = ""
for (let letter of plate)
if (letter !== " ") cleanedPlate += letter
return cleanedPlate
Example #6
# The maketrans() method returns a mapping table that can be used with the translate()
# method to replace specified characters. Maketrans has 3 parameter values: x, y and z.
# In the x parameter we mention the characters that we want to change with the ones
# mentioned in y. So O will become 0 and Q will also become 0 and so on. The characters
# are the visually equivalent ones so if we change all the characters from plate1 to the
# specified characters and do the same for the characters in plate2, we can check if they
# are the same and return true or false. The z parameter in maketrans is optional and is
# describing which character we want removed from the string which is the extra spaces so
# that 'A A A' -> 'AAA'.
tr = str.maketrans('OQITZSB', '0011258', ' ')
return plate1.translate(tr) == plate2.translate(tr)
Example #7
var return_str = some_operation / 2;
return return_str;
Example #8
Example #9