Ubeequee Cat Tracker

  • Bought Oct 2022 - see emails with help dept to gmail addy, Oct 22 and Mar 23
  • Optimising functionality:
    • First time I went for a walk with it, it only tracked my location once, and claimed I was in Bickerdyke Court (I was in Crowcroft Park).
    • But maybe that was because data subscription had only been set up?
    • I changed tracking frequency to once per minute (Settings => Location Update Schedule) and went for another walk a few days later:
      • Date / time: 12/10/22, between 12:20 and 13:20
      • I did a loop around the park and then a loop around the Asda block (including brief visit to Asda), and it tracked my location accurately
      • I’ve changed it back to update location every 10 mins (in settings) to preserve battery, but if she ever goes missing I’ll just be able to change it back to track once per minute and I’ll be able to track her movements.
  • Looking at tracking data:
    • On the tracking screen (“Track”, bottom right of home screen), you have to click the Track button to see results
    • My original walk data (when it said I was in Bickerdyke Court) didn’t seem to get persisted.
    • This data got recorded at the time: 12/10/22, between 12:20 and 13:20
  • Terminology:
    • It talks about turning LBS on/off, and I couldn’t find this, but then I realised it meant the “Local Base Station” toggle in Settings. I turned this off as soon as I got the gadget.
    • When it uses Wifi to locate, this means it’s using IP address, and it’s pretty hopeless. It never gets the right address, and sometimes it claims you’re several streets away.
      • Supposedly it only does this when you’re indoors. So basically if the tracker is indoors, you won’t get accurate results.
      • They claimed in a help email that if you click the arrow at the top left of the bubble above the pin, you get more accurate results. This wasn’t the case when I tried it.
    • The best results - within a few metres accuracy - are when it uses GPS. You can tell which it uses because it says at the top of the pin in the map.
      • This doesn’t seem to be something you can have any control over. You just have to hope it uses GPS. This is supposed to happen when you’re outdoors. It seemed like it happened when I turned tracking frequency to once per minute (Settings => Location Update Schedule).
  • Charging:
    • Sometimes it will say “device offline” even though it also says battery 100%
      • In this case, look at the date and time next to the battery indicator. You’ll probably see an old date and time. It’s probably actually on zero battery.
      • You can click the Locate button to try and get an up to date battery charge, but if it’s fully dead this might not work.
    • When charging, make sure the blue light is flashing.
      • If the blue light doesn’t flash while it’s plugged in to charge, try holding down the power button for a couple of seconds.