mondrian squares creative javascript graphic coding game

It’s available here. You can write your own code by adding it to the url like this: To help with your memory, I’ve copied out all the possibilities below:

The code returns the visibility for every dot. You can think of the values 0 and 1 representing true (visible) and false (invisible). The values between 0 and 1 represent more or less visible, or you can think of them as the radius of the circle (small radius = smaller circle = less visible). Negative numbers create red dots. Input is limited to 32 characters.


  • Param t represents the time in seconds and allows you to animate.
  • Param i is the index of the dot (0..255).
  • Param x is the column index (from 1 to 16).
  • Param y is the row index (from 1 to 16).


  • Math.random() < 0.1 (returns 1 or 0)
  • Math.random() (returns a value between 0 and 1)
  • Math.sin(t) (t is the time in seconds)
  • i / 256 (i is the index of the dot - 0..255)
  • x / 16 (x is the column index - 1..16)
  • y / 16 (y is the row index - 1..16)
  • y - 8.5 (negative numbers are red)
  • y - t (use time to animate)
  • y - t*4 (multiply time to increase speed)
  • [1, 0, -1][i%3] (cycle colours / visibility from one dot to the next)
  • Math.sin(y/8 + t)
  • y - x (simple triangle)
  • (y > x) && (16-x < y) (quarter triangle)
  • i%4 - y%4 (pattern)
  • x%4 && y%4 (grid)
  • x>4 & y>4 & x<12 & y<12 (square)
  • -(x>t & y>t & x<16-t & y<16-t) (animated square)
  • (y-6) * (x-6) (mondrian squares) (see image below)
  • (y-4*t|0) * (x-8-t|0) (moving cross)
  • 4 * t & i & x & y (sierpinski)
  • (t*10) & (1<<x) && y==8 (binary clock)
  • Math.random() * 2 - 1 (random noise)
  • Math.sin(i ** 2) (smooth noise)
  • Math.sin(x/2)-Math.sin(x-t)-y+6 (waves)
  • Math.sin(t-Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)) (ripples by @thespite)
  • (x-8)*(y-8) - Math.sin(t) * 64 (bloop bloop bloop by @v21)
  • y == x || -(17-x == y) (diagonals)
  • (x-y) - Math.sin(t) * 16 (wipe)
  • Math.sin(t*5) * Math.tan(t*7) (disco)
  • (x-5)**2+(y-5)**2-99*Math.sin(t) (moving circle)

mondrian squares

My experiments: