Contents of this page:
What is karma
- Karma is a tool which lets us spawn browsers and
run Jasmine tests inside of them all from the command line.
Running Jasmine tests using karma
- Run these commands:
- In GitBash:
- This: npm install
- Then this: node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js
- In Windows command prompt:
- Install the karma command-line interface like this:
- This: npm install -g karma-cli
- Run the command
- This: node_modules\.bin\karma start karma.conf.js
- If any problems…
- npm install karma –save
- Puts it in node-modules and updates package.json
- You will also need the command-line interface
- Run this: npm install -g karma-cli
- …and any other dependent packages
- To run tests: get yourself into the karma tests folder
- …and run “karma start”
- This will run all your tests and then leave karma running,
to automatically pick up any file changes and rerun tests on
Leaving the test runner in the background
- You can just go to dts-frontend and run make jstest
- This runs tests but doesn’t leave the test runner going
- To have the test runner running constantly in the background: make
- This means that every time you make a change and save the js,
the tests will be automatically rerun.
- Actually all this does is make sure the right bits are
installed, then move you to your karmaTests folder and run
karma start
- It also specifies to use karma.conf.js, but I’m pretty sure that
if you just navigate to karmaTests and run karma start,
it will use that conf.js file anyway.