
  • To find out which version of CentOS: cat /etc/centos-release

  • Single unified file system, with disks mounted on that file system at different mount points

  • dev is a special bit of the file system for devices

    • You can interact directly with devices using those iles

    • If you run the df command on a linux box you’ll often see hard drives called sd or md,

      • eg you might see sda1, sda2, , sdb1, sdb2 where 1 and 2 represents partitions and a and b are different disks.

      • sd is something like satyrd disk, md is software RAID – sd is more modern

      • if it’s md you’ll just get multiple partitions, not multiple disks (or something)

      • If you specify the root, you’ll only get one result per host when you run df /

  • Use yum provides python3 to find which package will give us python3

    • We want python 3.7 for Alex’s script - gives really good string interpolation. yum only has Python 3.4

    • yum is locked down in CentOS, everything super secure, so doesn’t have stuff as up to date as brew does (eg python3)

  • Kernel always starts first, but can’t do much, so the next thing to start is the first process

    • Old school way of killing Linus = kill 1 – ie kill the process which is numbered 1

      • So for instance if you run a docker container with ES where ES is process Id 1, then if you kill ES you will kill the whole docker container

      • Effectively the container is the process if there is only one process

    • Process 1 is your user space

    • Each user space is completely separate therefore low overhead

Systemctl + SystemD

  • Systemctl – facility for interacting with systemD – An init system used for CentOS 7 and most newer Linux distribs

    • An init system controls what processes start up at system startup – you can use it to control processes like starting, stopping, restarting etc
  • Can be used to do stuff with services, eg start / stop services, eg ElasticSearch

  • For instance get status of ES: systemctl status elasticsearch1

  • SystemD handles processes

    • There isn’t much great documentation - best bet is to Google “systemd unit file”
  • Systemd unit files:

    • Every service / process will have its own unit file - eg (on nagios01)/usr/lib/systemd/system/nsca.service for the NSCA process

    • If you have a look at that unit file, you’ll see it has actions defined for ExecStart and ExecReload - often don’t need anything for Stop cos you just use kill for that.

    • The paths you’ll see are root paths, so using system commands like /bin/kill to kill the process which has its own PID defined (the PID is what you see when you do ps -aux)

    • NSCA has type=forking, which means that when it starts, it will create a new process but will then fork another process from that one. This can happen when it needs elevated privileges to get things started but then creates a new forked process with lower privileges, and kills the parent one (although sometimes parent processes are kept around for whatever reason).

  • Systemctl commands:

    • Cmd: systemctl list-unit-files

    • Cmd: systemctl status [service name]

    • Cmd: systemctl restart [service name]

    • Cmd: systemctl start [service name]

    • Cmd: systemctl stop [service name]

    • Cmd: systemctl disable [service name]

    • Cmd: systemctl journal -u [service name]: get logs

      • Or try journalctl -u [service name]

      • We once got the following error on thingelkarchive15 (7/8/19, investigating THING-142657) when running journalctl: “Error was encountered while opening journal files: Input/output error”

      • Tera fixed this by manually removing the journald logs and restarting systemd-journald

    • Cmd: systemctl reset-failed when you want to restart a failed service

      • systemd manages the restart of services when they fail

      • but if a service fails too many times, too quickly, it will stop trying to restart the service and will instead mark the service as failed

      • if a service is marked as failed by systemd then it ignores new commands to start it back up

      • there is a command systemctl reset-failed that clears the failure flag from the service and lets one restart the service again the normal way


  • Syslog is a Unix standard

  • Any Linux based server will be running syslog to do its host based logging

  • Eg audit logs, kernel logs all go through syslog

  • They use Syslog NG (Next Generation?)

  • There are different binaries you can slot in to fulfil the Syslog role

  • They all use the same protocol

  • Although originally designed for system events, is also used here for application logs

  • Syslog-ng is running to get data from servers to loghosts

    • Loghosts keep copies of all logs

    • Syslog-ng has client and server versions - running on clients to send data and on loghosts as server - has an open port that you send the data to, then stores the data on disk


  • Linux is a flavour of unix

  • There are some commands the same

  • Most of the time the difference doesn’t really matter

  • But some commands in unix have different behaviour to Macs (OSX is based on unix)

  • Windows cmd prompt (DOS???) has a lot of differences

  • Normally if you’re struggling in the terminal, you’ll want to look up unix commands


  • If you want to run Linux on Windows, you need WSL.


  • Yum is the package manager used in CentOs Linux

  • Yum is locked down in CentOS, everything super secure, so doesn’t have stuff as up to date as brew does (eg python3)

    • Apparently (according to Ben Smith) you can manually add the newer python repo for yum on the command line - but you have to accept the keys for the repo not shipped with the distribution
  • Use yum provides python3 to find which package will give us python3

  • Use yum repolist or yum repolist -v to see list of current repos

    • -v means verbose
  • Repos are also visible here: cd /etc/yum.repos.d

    • (In those .repo files, set enabled=0 to disable a repo)

Crons / Cron jobs

  • Jobs which run periodically

  • There’s a format which specifies how regularly they run

  • Eg Might contain an asterisk which is a wildcard

  • Cmd: crontab -l – gives you a list of cron jobs for current user

  • Cmd: sudo crontab -l – lists all cron jobs for root

Find default .bashrc in Ubuntu

It’s here: /etc/skel/.bashrc