Contents of this page:
- These notes were originally written 2018
- There might be some relevant script stuff in cadogan/infra
- We have two clis:
brew install awscli
- After installing run this command:
aws configure
- It will ask for Profile
- You can create separate profles, but if you don’t it
will give you a default
- If you have more than one profile: Export
less \~/.aws/config
- Secret keys:
- AWS => IAM => Users => Security Credentials => Access Key ID
- Delete previous and add new one: Create access key –
copy secret key
- In general, it can be useful to use the command line
- AWS CLI Documentation:
Commands / invocations / requests
- Cmd aws help will give you cli commands
- Cmd aws s3 ls s3://[bucket-name]
- This allows you to connect straight to S3 bucket
aws s3 ls
aws ecr list-repositories
aws ecr describe-repositories
aws ecr help
- Add
to try something without actually doing it
- Switching accounts:
cat ~/.aws/config
(this outputs the contents of the config file to the screen)
- export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=sandbox
AWS CLI Auto-scaling groups
- aws ec2 update-auto-scaling-group –auto-scaling-group-name
–health-check-type ELB
- aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups
–auto-scaling-group-name my-auto-scaling-group